Exploring Bok Choy as a Rabbit Food: Benefits and Risks

As a responsible rabbit owner, you want to provide your furry friend with a diet that’s not only nutritious but also safe. While a typical rabbit diet consists of hay, fresh vegetables, and some fruits, it’s important to know which veggies are safe for your bunny and how often they should be included. In this article, we’ll explore the world of bok choy and answer some common questions.

Bunnies and Bok Choy

rabbit is eating bok choy

Yes, rabbits can enjoy bok choy as part of their diet, but as with any new food, it’s essential to introduce it gradually. Bok choy is a leafy green vegetable that’s rich in nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, and calcium. These nutrients can benefit your rabbit’s health when provided in moderation. However, it’s crucial to remember that a rabbit’s primary diet should consist of hay, followed by fresh vegetables and a limited amount of fruits.

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Nutritional value of bok choy

Here’s a table outlining the approximate nutritional value of bok choy per 100 grams:

NutrientAmount per 100g
Calories13 kcal
Water95.3 grams
Protein1.5 grams
Carbohydrates2.2 grams
Dietary Fiber1.0 grams
Sugars1.2 grams
Fat0.2 grams
Vitamin A (as Beta-Carotene)6300 IU (126% DV)
Vitamin C45 mg (75% DV)
Vitamin K45.5 mcg (57% DV)
Folate (Vitamin B9)66 mcg (16.5% DV)
Calcium105 mg (10.5% DV)
Potassium252 mg (7% DV)
Iron0.8 mg (4.5% DV)
Magnesium19 mg (4.5% DV)

Please note that these values are approximate and can vary based on factors such as the variety of bok choy and its growing conditions. Bok choy is a low-calorie vegetable that is particularly rich in vitamins A and C, making it a nutritious choice for both humans and rabbits when fed in moderation

Is Bok Choy Stems a Go or a No for Your Rabbit’s Diet?

Fresh whole bok choy with green leaves and white stems

When it comes to bok choy, both the leaves and stems are safe for your bunny to consume. Rabbits can munch on both parts, which is great news because it means less waste and more variety in their diet. The stems can provide a satisfying crunch for your rabbit and contribute additional fiber to their meal, aiding in digestion.

Bok Choy Flowers in Your Rabbit’s Menu

Yes, rabbits can enjoy bok choy flowers as well. Bok choy flowers are safe for rabbits to eat, and they can be a delightful treat for your furry friend. Just like the leaves, bok choy flowers are a source of vitamins and minerals that can contribute to your rabbit’s nutrition.

When offering bok choy flowers, it’s important to ensure they are fresh and clean. Rinse them thoroughly to remove any dirt or contaminants before feeding them to your rabbit. Keep in mind that treats like bok choy flowers should be given in moderation, as excessive consumption can disrupt your rabbit’s digestive system.

Bok Choy vs. Pak Choy – What Sets Them Apart?

Bok choy and pak choy, while similar in appearance and often used interchangeably in cooking, are technically two different types of Chinese cabbage. Bok choy has wider, white stems and dark green leaves, while pak choy has narrower, pale green stems and leaves. However, both are safe for rabbits to eat, so there’s no need to worry about which one you choose.

What Part of Bok Choy Is Edible for Rabbits?

When feeding bok choy to your rabbits, you can include both the leaves and stems. Both parts are nutritious and can be enjoyed by your furry companions. However, as mentioned earlier, remember to offer bok choy in moderation alongside a well-balanced diet to maintain your rabbit’s digestive health.

Bok Choy and Your Rabbit’s Daily Diet: What You Need to Know

While bok choy is a healthy addition to your rabbit’s diet, it should not be fed to them every day. Variety is key when it comes to your rabbit’s nutrition. A well-balanced diet includes a rotation of different vegetables to ensure your bunny gets a wide range of nutrients and minerals. Aim to offer bok choy and other leafy greens a few times a week as part of their vegetable intake.

Weight (kg)Age FactorHay Limit (grams per day)Fruits Limit (grams per day)Pellets (grams per day)Greens (grams per day)
1 kgYoung20-3010-205-1020-40
2 kgYoung30-4020-3010-1540-60
3 kgYoung40-6030-4015-2060-80
4 kgYoung60-8040-5020-2580-100
5 kgYoung80-10050-6025-30100-120

What Part of Bok Choy Can Rabbits Eat?

Rabbits can consume both the green leafy parts and the crisp stems of bok choy. However, it’s important to prepare the bok choy properly. Make sure to wash it thoroughly to remove any pesticides or contaminants, and cut it into bite-sized pieces to prevent choking hazards. Remember to remove any wilted or yellowed leaves, as they may not be as fresh or nutritious.

Close-up of a bok choy plant


In summary, bok choy can be a healthy and tasty addition to your rabbit’s diet when offered in moderation. Both the leaves and stems are safe for rabbits to eat, but it’s crucial to provide a well-rounded diet that includes a variety of vegetables and ample amounts of hay. As with any dietary change, it’s wise to monitor your rabbit’s reactions and consult with a veterinarian if you have any concerns about their health or diet. Keep your bunny happy and healthy by offering them a balanced diet and the occasional treat of fresh bok choy

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